Meet our team

Samantha Ng

Sam is an accredited executive coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF ACC) and current Non-Executive Director (NED) with a strong background across strategic transformation and risk management. As a former Chief of Staff and member of the CEO's office at a global bank, she has played confidante to senior executives, designed strategies, and built and led high performing teams delivering complex change across her ~20 year career. She's an ex-McKinsey consultant, veteran cat herder and fixer, and believes in empowering people to perform their best. She is a certified DISC practitioner, holds an MBA (with distinction) from London Business School, an MA in English from Cambridge, and is completing a BSc in Psychology with the Open University. She's also an occasionally frazzled mom of three and camera-woman / audition partner to her husband Nick.

Clients value Sam for her frank, challenging yet respectful approach which stretches their thinking about what is possible, so they can confidently take measured risks to achieve sustainable and fulfilling performance.

Nicholas Goh

Nick is a professional actor, producer and equality / diversity champion for Equity, the acting union, having previously chaired its Minority Ethnic Members Committee. He's also a former Oxford scientist who decided to ditch his coat and dance out of the labs onto the creative stage. He has taught at acting schools and uses his skills to help clients stand taller, speak clearer, and move with purpose. He's currently undergoing Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) training, and is also an occasionally frazzled dad and general handyman / call-centre support to wife Sam.

Clients value Nick for his patient and measured approach which calms their fears about public speaking, allowing them to get out of their comfort zones within a supportive and safe space.